Vitale: [ vī’ tal ]

Latin for “LIFE”

We are Vitale Plasma Centers, a plasma collection center coming soon to the Galleria MECA district of North Dallas, Texas.

Our Mission

Vitale’s mission is to save lives, enhance the quality of living and make a lasting, positive impact on our community and world.

Our Vision

At Vitale, we envision a future where donating plasma is simple, convenient, accessible, and a fulfilling experience for everyone. We are committed to responsible innovation while ensuring the highest safety and quality standards during the collection process. Through our personalized approach, we strive to create a community of plasma donors who feel empowered to make a difference in the lives of others.

Why Vitale

The Vitale Experience

When you come to Vitale, your donor experience is as special as the need you fulfill. Enjoy the convenience of complimentary Valet parking for a hassle-free arrival. Our easy check-in process leads to our plush bohemian welcome lounge, where you relax with complimentary refreshments. Swift digital payment for your donation is delivered before your car door even shuts, and all in about an hour so you leave feeling fulfilled and empowered!